Thursday, March 29, 2012

Aiden at 8 Months

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully this won't seem too random, but I met Kevin today. He tried to sell me a home security system. I was out walking my 3 month old in her stroller and he stopped me on the sidewalk. Now this is Houston and when somebody goes door to door asking security related questions you get suspicious as to whether or not they are going to show up later and do a home invasion! So I went online to check out if he was indeed a legitimate salesperson or if I should call the cops. Anyway, a google search of his name brought me to your blog. So that was a little bit of a long story and I hope you don't think I'm a cyber stalker or anything like that. Just wanted to say that Kevin had pictures of your little boy with him and when he saw I was with my baby, he was very eager to share. He seems like a really proud daddy. I'm sure you guys miss him while he is at work! Well, your little man is a cutie and I bet you are enjoying him...congrats!
