Welcome to our blog! It's official, today is 2 weeks!! I can't believe it. On one hand it seems like yesterday that Kevin and I got engaged but then again, it feels like forever. All I know is that we are exciiiiiiiited :) Not only do we have wedding planning going on but next week is finals week. Kevin has one Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Then on Saturday we have graduation. I am the Salutatorian so I "get" to speak at it. I'm soooo nervous... Especially because Elder Holland is speaking too! After graduation I get to go through the Manti Temple. I am so out of this world excited. I know it is going to be incredible. Then, we get to come back, finish packing, and head out to Vernal to move in. ...It is going to be one crazy week! I was going to leave you with a cute picture of us but dang blogger won't let me so maybe next time!